What Do Osteopaths Treat?
Back Pain
Hip, knee and ankle problems
Occupational Overuse Syndrome
Rehabilitation after injuries
Shoulder injuries
Sporting injuries
TMJ (jaw) problems
Whiplash Injury
Infants and Children
Behavioural problems
Continuous crying
Co-ordination and balance problems
Developmental delay
Ear infections and glue ear
Favouring head to one side
Feeding problems
Growing pains
Misshapen head
Sleeping difficulties
Speech problems
Sticky eyes
Teething pain
An infant's skull is designed to provide maximum accommodation to the compressive forces of labour and minimum trauma to the developing brain. The bones at the top of the head are soft and pliable to enable them to overlap to allow the passage of the head through the birth canal. A certain amount of moulding occurs and ​resolves after delivery assisted by crying, suckling and yawning.

However, the flexibility which allows moulding to occur also allows the bones to become strained and the bones do not return to their normal positions after delivery. This can happen if labour is unusually long or short, if the baby presents in an abnormal position, if the baby is large or has a large head, or if intervention is necessary for example a forceps or ventouse extraction.